
For an updated list of my research, see my Google Scholar page.

Conference Proceedings and Workshops

Jiawei Zhao, George, Robert Joseph, Yifei Zhang, Zongyi Li and Anima Anandkumar. “Incremental Fourier Neural Operator”. NeurIPS 2022 Workshop AI4Science, 2022. [Paper], [NeurIPS]

George, Robert Joseph. “EDCDE - Extended Discovery of Closed-Form Differential Equations”. ICLR Tiny Paper, 2023. [Paper], [Codebase]

Arxiv Preprints

George, Robert Joseph, Jiawei Zhao, Jean Kossafii, Zongyi Li and Anima Anandkumar. “Incremental Spatial and Spectral Learning of Neural Operators for Solving Large-Scale PDEs”. arXiv preprint, 2024. [Paper], [Codebase]

Rahman, Md Ashiqur, George, Robert Joseph, Anima Anandkumar et al. “Pretraining Codomain Attention Neural Operators for Solving Multiphysics PDEs.” arXiv preprint, 2024. [Paper], [Codebase]

Presentations and Posters

George, Robert Joseph, Martha White, Adam White and Samuel Neumann. “Making Reinforcement Learning Experiments More Reproducible and Computationally Efficient”. Reverse Expo, Alberta Machine Intelligence Institute, 2022. [Poster], [Codebase]

Undergraduate Honors Thesis

George, Robert Joseph, Noel Murasko and John Bowman. “Hybrid Dealiased Convolutions.” Joint Mathematics Meetings, 2023. [Paper], [Poster 1], [Poster 2], [Presentation], [JMM]

George, Robert Joseph, and Xinwei Yu. “Numerical Analysis for real-time Nonlinear Model Predictive Control of Ethanol Steam Reformers”. Canadian Undergraduate Mathematics Conference, 2022. [Presentation], [Paper]

Summer Schools Attended

Summer School in Logic and Formal Epistemology, Carnegie Mellon University, 2022.

International Undergraduate Summer Enrichment Program, University of Alberta, 2021.

Alberta Number Theory Days XIII, Banff International Research Station for Mathematical Innovation and Discovery, 2021.

Western Summer School in Algebra, University of Alberta, 2020.